5 Multi-Million Dollar Dream Houses in the Texas Hill Country
The Land Up Country Living Series
Amazing Houses in Austin’s Next Door Neighbor, the Texas Hill Country
Million Dollar Living in the Hill Country
Austin, Texas is the new “it” city - and has been for some time now! And while the popularity of Texas’ capital city certainly hasn’t changed, since the pandemic, many residents have actually chosen to move out of the booming area in favor of the more peaceful Central Texas Hill Country.
Where exactly is Texas Hill Country? Well, the borders of this area are up for debate at any Austin bar. But for the purposes of this article, we’ll focus on the areas southwest of Austin and no more than 50 miles out as the crow flies from downtown.
With more affordable land and houses when compared to downtown, there are some pretty incredible properties for sale in Texas Hill Country. Curious to see what multi-million dollar ranch-style-living looks like? So are we.
We explore some of the most amazing houses the Texas Hill Country has to offer.
#1 - 520 Matzig Cove, Buda, Texas 78610 - List Price $6,950,000
Hearing your neighbor’s arguments about what to watch on Netflix will not be a problem.
Tired of your one bedroom apartment with a shared pool that’s always packed with college kids doing the social medias? Then smash your piggy bank, grab that extra $6,950,000 you have lying around, and call your local Central Texas realtor!
Upgrade from your measly 700 square feet to 21 acres at this sprawling Hill Country ranch estate. Dust off your floaties and grab a case of Shiner to enjoy the party pool and hot tub surrounded by live oaks.
Grab your speedos!
You know what you need when you have a 7 bedroom, 13,000 square foot house? More houses - but for your guests.
Houses on houses.
If you were worried about not having enough houses, “wait, there’s more (houses)!” Relive your childhood with this walk-up treehouse. It may be for kids, but any adult who isn’t dead inside would love this nostalgic touch.
When you think of Texas sports, naturally the first thing to come to mind is…tennis? With your new ranch, you’ll be able to enjoy a rousing match of tenny with Mitsey on your very own court!
In Texas, we play with slabs of beef ribs instead of rackets.
Admittedly, $7 million for a Texas Hill Country ranch house in Buda might be stretching the budget, but you really do get a lot for your money with this property. Plus, you can always pick up a couple of extra Uber shifts to help cover the mortgage.
Source: Central Texas MLS. Listing Agent: Dave Murray, Keller Williams SW.
#2 - 510 Birdie Path, Dripping Springs, Texas 78620 - Listing Price $4,800,000
Comes with a free porch swing!
If you’ve been to Texas, you already know - country chic is a real thing. But “out” are the walls covered with dead animal heads and “in” are pools that are prime for a DJ booth and all night dance parties with tech boys (who don’t - or maybe can’t? - dance).
Seating for at least 10 tech bros.
The old-school Hill Country charm remains there, featuring giant wood beams that help remind you that you’re still in Texas.
The Hill Country bathroom view is any realtor’s dream because you know what really sells houses? Kitchens and bathrooms. Where you eat and then, well, you know.
“Honey, that creepy bird that watches me shower is back.”
Speaking of eating, no country ranch home is complete without space to BBQ and chug some beers, especially when University of Texas football is losing to some no-name team.
This is Texas, we’re gonna need a bigger grill…
If your realtor is showing you around the ranch grounds and you’re wondering if $5 million is a good deal, just remember; you can’t put a price on making your friends jealous.
Source: Central Texas MLS. Listing Agent: Cynthia Ross-Goodwin, JB Goodwin Realtors.
#3 - 554 Lakeview Blvd, New Braunfels, Texas 78130 - Listing Price $3,900,000
One major thing Texas Hill Country is known for is its rivers. If you’ve spent any time in the region, you know the place to go to sit in a tube, drink cold beers, and generally give zero F’s, is New Braunfels. You can relive your Central Texas college life everyday in this riverfront property for only $4 million (ratty second hand futon not included).
Hopefully there will soon be a Uber Eats River Boats app.
While the house in itself is nice, the real draw is the scenery. The patio is the perfect spot for complaining about how much Austin has changed, how expensive it is, and why Austin was so much better back in the day.
“I remember when SXSW was free and the only bar in town was the Broken Spoke!”
The house has an unique look - less “Central Texas Hill Country'' and more “Italian seaside villa”. You might have to reevaluate your cooler inventory, swapping out your six pack of Lonestar tall boys with some prosecco. Pinkies up!
The bathroom definitely feels like a grotto in a hot springs spa. The perfect conversation starter to tell guests how you sourced the rock from the finest stone carvers in the European town of Home॔ Depöt.
Finally, we know when looking to buy a property, closet space is worth its weight (or feet) in gold . This house includes a great closet built to hold as many pairs of flip flops as you’ve always wanted, but never could make room for.
You need more clothes.
So if a chill, water-based, vaguely European lifestyle is up your alley, then this New Braunfels mansion is waiting for you at the low, low price of $4 million.
Source: Central Texas MLS. Listing Agent: Inaky Strick, Kuper Sotheby’s International.
#4 - 3821 Bob Wire Road, Spicewood, Texas 78669 - Listing Price $3,500,000
How much wood could a wood house house if a wood house could house wood? Let’s ask this high-end, Central Texas ‘cabin’ property in Spicewood.
Let’s start with the porch, an ideal spot to spend many a scorching Central Texas summer day, rocking back and forth in a chair whittling, well, more wood. It’s a nice blend of rustic and practical, and is a great place to pass your time doing a lot of nothing while enjoying the land in the Hill Country.
After your rockin’ whittling session, picture yourself stepping out of the woods and into…the woods.
Being based in and being from Texas, we at Land Up certainly like the look of wood finishes. Though at $3.5 million, you better really love the stuff. It seems to simulate the experience of being a bird who has burrowed its way into the trunk of a tree.
The plethora of windows give the sense of openness and connection to the Texas land outside. Also, the sense of an amazingly high electric bill in July.
If you’re a lumberjack, mountain person, or an undercover beaver, this is the mansion for you and your woodsy way of life.
Source: Central Texas MLS. Listing Agent: David Aston, Aston & Associates.
#5 - 351 Mariposa Loop, New Braunfels, Texas 78132 - Listing Price $2,224,999
For the last multi-million dollar Texas Hill Country house, we head back to the city of New Braunfels, where there seems to be something European in the water. This massive 5,600 square foot mansion is an absolute steal at just over $2.2 million, and it will make you feel like you have your very own Euro style castle in the Hill Country.
After all your hard work counting out a couple million bucks, neatly shoving it into a metal briefcase, and making the purchase, you’re going to need a hot soak. Break out your speedo and jump into this Romanesque relaxation station.
You’ll have to change your name to Caesar, or Maximus.
After you’re nice and loosey goosey, dry off and head back inside to your wine cellar to pick out the perfect Hill Country raised libation for your dinner party under a cathedral style ceiling.
Once you’re done with your giant turkey leg and jeweled goblet of wine, you’ll walk through your columned corridors to have a cognac nightcap and read a book about the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand and the fall of the Austrian-Hungarian empire - a typical Tuesday.
Next, it’s time for a shower or bath (or both) in your grotto. Light a torch and make your way to the bathroom that’s bigger than a grad student’s studio apartment.
Finally, after a long day of ruling your Hill Country kingdom, it’s time for bed in the royal chambers. Sleep well, because you have to get up and do it all again tomorrow. Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
Source: Central Texas MLS. Listing Agent: Easton Smith, Keller Williams Heritage.
At Land Up Realty we focus on selling land but we also like checking out cool Hill Country houses. If you’re in the market for land, residential, or commercial real estate then check out our listings. We sell Central Texas. Fast. Sales@landuptx.com.