Lytton Hollow Subdivision

Sold | 1-3+ Acre Lots | Dale, Texas

Lytton Hollow Subdivision Land For Sale in Dale, texas

Located a little over 6 miles northwest of Dale, 11 miles northeast of Lockhart, and 10 minutes to the TX-130 Toll and Hwy 21 intersection. These lovely 1-3+ acre lots have a mixture of live oak, cedar and mesquite trees. Some lots have more pasture while others are heavily treed. There is sure to be something for everyone at Lytton Hollow!

Lots 1-3 have road frontage on FM 1854 and none of them have existing homes on them (the corner lot with a home is not a part of this subdivision). Lots 4-9 have road frontage on Crooked Road. All lots wrap around the large pond, and while that pond is not a part of the subdivision, it does provide a beautiful waterfront view.

Utilities are serviced by Bluebonnet Electric and Aqua WSC for water. Septic is needed. Please speak with the listing agent concerning final plat and restrictions as well as information on the drainage easement.



  • LOT 7 - 1.564 AC: SOLD

    LOT 1 - 2.461 AC: SOLD

    LOT 2 - 2.461 AC: SOLD

    LOT 3 - 2.461 AC: SOLD

    LOT 4 - 3.353 AC: SOLD

    LOT 5 - 1.001 AC: SOLD

    LOT 6 - 2.147 AC: SOLD

    LOT 8 - 1.560 AC: SOLD

    LOT 9 - 1.557 AC: SOLD


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TBD Kamakoa Lane


314 PR 1212